The following works have been published or in progress as part of the MECORE project and the preceding NWO-funded project “Searching for semantic universals in the modal and attitudinal domains”.
Description of the MECORE database [please cite this, if you use it]
- Özyıldız, Deniz, Ciyang Qing, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero and Wataru Uegaki. 2023. A Crosslinguistic Database for Combinatorial and Semantic Properties of Attitude Predicates. Proceedings of the SIGTYP Workshop at EACL 2023. [paper]
Articles, manuscripts and talks
- Deniz Özyıldız & Wataru Uegaki. submitted. Clauses can be modifiers, or arguments: Evidence from alternations in factivity and answer-orientedness in Turkish and Japanese. [draft]
- Qing, Ciyang, Deniz Özyıldız, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero & Wataru Uegaki. submitted. When can non-veridical preferential attitude predicates take questions? [draft]
- Qing, Ciyang, Deniz Özyıldız, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero & Wataru Uegaki. to appear. How context and focus modulate form-meaning mismatches in speech reports. Proceedings of WCCFL 41.
- Özyıldız, Deniz, Ciyang Qing, Floris Roelofsen, Wataru Uegaki, & Maribel Romero. under review. Operationalizing focus-sensitivity in a cross-linguistic context. [draft]
- Romero, Maribel. 2024. Mood across constructions: A unified approach. SALT 34 presentation [handout]
- Romero, Maribel. 2024. On Conservativity and other Crosslinguistic Semantic Generalizations. Whatmough Lecture at Harvard University. [slides]
- Özyıldız, Deniz & Wataru Uegaki. 2023. Two question-embedding strategies and answer-orientedenss. Proceedings of SALT 33. [paper]
- Montero, Raquel & Maribel Romero. 2023. Examining the meaning of polarity subjunctive. Proceedings of NELS 53. [paper]
- Uegaki, Wataru. 2023. The doubt-whether puzzle. In Łukasz Jędrzejowski and Carla Umbach, eds. Non-interrogative subordinate wh-clauses. OUP. [Preprint DOI]
- Jeretič, Paloma & Deniz Özyıldız. 2022. Why neg-raising requires stativity. In Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. [paper]
- Klochowicz, Tomasz. 2022. Investigating the properties of clause-embedding predicates in Polish. In Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. [paper]
- Uegaki, Wataru. 2022. Semantic approaches to clause-type selection. In Yoichi Miyamoto, Masatoshi Koizumi, Hajime Ono Kazuko Yatsushiro and Uli Sauerland, eds. Key Concepts in Experimental Pragmatics. Kaiyaku-sya.
- Madonado, Mora, Jennifer Culbertson, & Wataru Uegaki, 2022. Learnability and constraints on the semantics of clause-embedding predicates. Proceedings of Cognitive Science Society annual meeting (CogSci) 2022. [Preprint DOI]
- Özyıldız, Deniz, Ciyang Qing, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero, & Wataru Uegaki. 2022. Cross-linguistic patterns in the selectional restrictions of preferential predicates. GLOW 45 workshop on typological generalizations and semantic theory, QMUL.
- Roelofsen, Floris & Wataru Uegaki. 2020. Searching for a universal constraint on the possible denotations of clause-embedding predicates. Proceedings of SALT 30. pp. 542–561.
Journal special issue
- MECORE team. 2022. Questionnaire on clause-embedding predicates. [OSF repository]
- Bonnaud, Méline. 2024. Was hoffen bedeutet: die Bedeutung eines Verbs der propositionalen Einstellung / What it means to hope: the meaning of an attitude verb. BA thesis, University of Konstanz.
- Bagchi, Aayush. in progress. Anti-rogativity under the existential semantics for attitude predicates. Undergraduate honours thesis, PPLS, University of Edinburgh.
- Doroski, Leah. 2023. Neg-raising: intensity of the attitude report. MA thesis. University of Konstanz.
- Bian, Mingyang. 2022. A Commitment-based Analysis of ‘Believe’ as an Implicature Trigger. MSc thesis, PPLS, University of Edinburgh.
- Klochowicz, Tomasz. 2022. Investigating semantic and selectional properties of clause-embedding predicates in Polish. MSc thesis, ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
- Naehrlich, Flavia. 2022. Semantic and selectional properties of clause-embedding predicates in German. MSc thesis, ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
- Di, Bao. 2021. The *hope-wh puzzle revisited: the anti-rogativity of non-veridical predicates in Mandarin Chinese. MSc thesis, PPLS, University of Edinburgh.
- Huang, Yunchong. 2020. What does 怀疑 (huaiyi) mean?: An investigation into the semantics of the dubitative verb in Mandarin Chinese. MSc thesis, PPLS, University of Edinburgh.